Edit & Review
Many first-time authors especially are very wary and concerned about the marketability and worth of the book they have written. Even experienced authors have doubts when it comes to how others might perceive their work. Reach Publishers are well aware of these feelings of anxiety and angst about the value of one’s work and whether there could be a market for it. They offer two services which can help authors tremendously in this regard. The first is a quick, valued review from an editor while the other is a more in-depth edit of the work with advice and guidance. See below for the two options on offer.
Is my manuscript worth publishing?
An in-depth edit of my manuscript.
We can offer you an in-depth edit of your manuscript. (English Only)
The cost for this service is based on the total word count of your manuscript. If you are interested in this, please fill in the form below, giving your total word count.
Our editors will edit not only for typographical errors and for consistency of punctuation and good flow, but also for all manner of grammatical correctness as well as logic thought and meaning. They will break up torturously long sentences and remove repetition. They will make sure your writing is clear and query any ambiguity, contradiction or inappropriateness. Through comments to you, they will alert you to anything that may be critical and offer suggestions for improvements.
To get a quote for an edit or review, please contact us using the details below
Please include your name, surname, the title of your manuscript and the accurate wordcount.