In the book publishing industry, one often repeatedly gets asked the same questions. For example, “How do you go about writing a book?”, “Where do you begin?”, “I think about writing a book but that’s as far as it gets. How do I make it happen?”
Almost everyone has ideas about a book, be it a story they have been plotting or a concept they’ve been toying with, a subject they may have a great deal of expertise in, information they have access to and want to share, testimonies or life experiences they want to write about to inspire others. Even if you have no talent for writing and can barely string a sentence together, you may still have value to add in terms of something you can share from your life that will help or entertain others – it just may need a lot of work in terms of reworking and editing if that’s not your thing, but the point is, we all have the potential to have a book in us.
That’s a phrase which is bandied about a lot – “I have a book in me”. Well then, out with it. What are you waiting for? Another day, month, years, when you have more time (which is often never) or when the time is right (is it ever?) or when the opportunity makes itself available or known (you must create your own opportunities – things are unlikely to land in your lap and unfold fatefully to make things happen for you – you need to make them happen for yourself).
Just do it already – get started! Get the ball rolling and simply put pen to paper or start tapping away on that keyboard. Stop thinking about it, talking about it and coming up with excuses as to why you can’t do it. Take action and just start already before you can even begin to think of another excuse. Often you will find that once you begin writing, it becomes easier and easier to continue and add to the flow as your story, information, ideas gather momentum and your vision begins to materialise into something special you alone have created. There is nothing more satisfying than sharing something of value with the world, something that is yours alone, that came from your imagination, your experience and your hand. It’s something that will outlive you and reach people you will never know – perhaps even help them or save them through your written words – how powerful is that.
So the answer to all the aforementioned questions about how to do it or where to begin when it comes to writing this book you know you have in your head, is simply to get started. This cannot be emphasised enough – JUST START ALREADY! The rest will take care of itself but if you never begin, your publication journey will never happen and your book will be trapped in your grey matter, destined to die with you when it could have outlived you by decades, centuries even – a legacy to leave behind.